Monday, July 21, 2008

The Postcard Request Post

Lydia started writing some postcards to a few of her friends and I thought that was an awesome idea in a cute, old school, pre-Internet sort of way. Unfortunately, the only address I have in my memory bank is my own, so I decided to create a postcard request post.

Basically, if you want a postcard from Japan (or Hong Kong or Thailand) then reply with your address. Or alternatively, if you are all anal about putting your address on the public innertubes, then e-mail us at


Anonymous said...

Hey girlies! I just caught up on your blog and I wish you guys would still be in Japan by the time I get there! Have fun on the rest of your trip!

Anonymous said...

Send me a postcard of a samurai dancing with a geisha. That would be cool. Thanks.

Unknown said...

Question is how do we send YOU postcards!

holycrap, this thing supports my gmail account

Althea said...

Yuen - When are you coming to Japan? I know that Lydia has been in touch with Dilys and we're going to be seeing her. We leave Japan on the 30th.

Luc - The whole point of his is that I dont have your address so you're supposed to give it to me. I already sent one home home.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Are you going to send your FAVORITE and ONLY sister might i remind you a postcard? If you don't know our address then wow, I thought you were the smart one!


Anonymous said...

Omg, I am such an idiot, I've been reading these comments left by Karen (your sister) and wondering why the heck I don't remember writing them...gahh, I think I need a vacation...

Anonymous said...

Received your postcard the other day. Thanks.

Are the Japanese really very comfortable with nudity in public baths like the illustration in the card?

Anonymous said...

nnnnooooooooooooo. Why didn't i read this blog sooner!

No post-card for me :(
